Overflow area
series of c-prints
adjusted on dibond
80 cm x 120 cm
„Overflow area can remind us (at the first glance) of views of indoor swimming pools. After the closing time these places look just like that. The water surface waves in the draught and reflects the ceiling. The halls in the manipulated photographs do not stand for for swimming, they are flooded and its original function is not clear – it might be either public or industrial. Tereza talks about the shift to functionally and visually „abstracted shape.“ Exhibited on Praguebiennale 3 in a former factory hall, „Overflow area“ had also different, more factual context. It was Karlin that was the most affected part of Prague during the floods in 2002. For visitors familiar with this fact the prints were associated with this unpleasant memory. Even though their impressive charm predominates, most of the viewers certainly realise that flooding is an apocalypse.“ from the text by Jiří Ptáče